Thursday, July 5, 2012

iPad Virus hits app store

Apple does have a more secure OS than Android, but that is merely due to the structure.  Apple has a large deal of control of the iOS and the devices that run it.  That also means that there is not much variety of what devices you can run iOS on (only iPhone and iPad) and you can only use apps that the company allows you to use.


Android is more vulnerable due to the fact that it is open source, however you are offered a lot more freedom in what phones you can run it on.  This level of variety has it's positives and negatives.  On one hand you can have a phone that is perfect to your liking, but on the other hand this causes fragmentation as you are dealing multiple different manufacturers and vendors that add bloatware and customization.  You also have the freedom to install apps from 3rd party sites if you want to take the risk.

I for one use Android and I love it.  I am tech savvy enough to know what apps to avoid and not send my bank info to a Nigerian Prince.  I think iOS is a great operating system,  I just can't stand the sub-par hardware and small screen of the iPhone (I am rocking the Galaxy Note, large screen, but still fits in my pocket), nor the price of the iPad ( I can get a name brand tablet with the same specs for a lower price).  I like the bank vault like security that Apple offers, I just don't want to be locked in that vault.  I enjoy my freedoms.  Oh that and Apple is a big fucking douche for all the bullshit lawsuits.